19HE Series
Smith 19HE Series cast iron, pressurized, wet-base boiler/burner units are ideal for light commercial water or steam heating systems utilizing No. 2 fuel oil, natural gas, or combination gas/oil. Ten different sizes are available, ranging from 308 MBH to 1750 MBH. Series 19HE boilers are available in three ways - knocked down, assembled sections, or completely packaged units. All sections are tested and approved for 80 psi working pressure as standard equipment.
Key Features
- Rugged cast iron heat exchanger sections with integral flue collector
- Flexible, high temperature hydronic seals and ceramic fiber flue gas rope seals reduce assembly time and require no special assembly tools
- Short, individual draw rods simplify assembly and reduce stress
- Front and rear observation ports to visually inspect the flame and combustion chamber
- Easy-to-remove, front access covers and side mounted cover plates for quick and easy boiler cleaning
- Side mounted tankless coil domestic water heaters (when provided) for easy inspection and/or replacement
- Integral cast iron smoke hood with fail-safe breeching damper that is easily adjusted and locked into position
- Factory packaged or knocked down for field assembly
- Choice of Beckett, Carlin, Powerflame and Gordian-Piatt power burners with a wide array of controls (when provided)